Friday, October 15, 2010

Life Interrupted

Many of the few of you who read this know that though I love being married and being a mom, that it has had its struggles for me.  Especially being a mom.  I never ever thought those were words that would come out of my fingers but it is true.  I wouldn't change my life for anything but growing up hearing everyone tell you how amazing of a mom you are going to be and then being one and not feeling all that amazing really puts a twist in your brain of who you are and how you are doing.  I find myself being super easy to frustrate, fluster, annoy and set over the edge.  I find myself saying, "this is not the person you ever thought you would be"  I find myself feeling guilty.  I have had so many moms tell me that one of the hardest things about being a mom is getting over the guilt part of life.  I am quite certain that all these feelings are normal and justified, I am also quite certain that I am really to get rid of them all, but that there is a reason I am dealing with them now. 

It is hard for me to answer the phone, to want to pick up the phone and talk to people or even email.  I find myself driving in the truck with the radio off and loving the silence.  I find myself yearning to be super motivated and conquer the world only to figure out that I get that motivation about an hour before I need to pick up the kids and then the house becomes a disaster all over again. 

People offer me advice on parenting and sometimes I can tell when people don't agree with our parenting.  Sometimes I don't mind this, until they think that that is the only way it is to be done.  We are strict with our kids, because well we believe they need that structure and that respect isn't an option.  I believe that once we get to a point that we agree is the right behavior and ways to be that strictness can be removed where trust has been earned.  I know others don't believe this, but I also know that every child and family is different. If I don't make our kids do homework at 4PM I guarantee it isn't going to happen on its own.  If I don't make them take showers and be ready for bed at 8, I guarantee the next day isn't going to look or smell pretty for anyone.  I also know that all of this is new for all of us.  Having a mom around, being a mom, having someone who is around to enforce actions and behaviors and to show that unconditional love to.

The fact of the matter though, is that like it or not, our lives have been interrupted.  Our church's women's ministry is doing a 7 week bible study on Jonah.  Priscilla Shirer leads the study and it is about Navigating a Life Interrupted.  The women at my table--wow they have had some interruptions and I am understanding that this moment and phase our lives are in here at the Carr household is an Interruption.  I don't think Interruptions have to be bad, but I think they are just that.  I hate it when I do get on the phone and it is an instant invitation for my children to start talking to me.  OH MY GOSH!  They sometimes want nothing to do with me until the phone hits my ear--then watch out!  But God puts interruptions in our lives.  One thing I am learning is that they are only interruptions to us, but to God they are all a part of His plan.  It is really changing my perspective on it all.  I found these equations to be rather interesting and totally shift the paradigm that I see this all fitting in... granted I just read it tonight, so I need to do some major shifting and our entire household would probably appreciate a miracle and that shift to happen by the time we all wake up in the morning... but anyway...

Insignificant Person +Insignificant Task= Interruption

Significant Person+Significant Task= Divine Intervention

Seeing the "problem" in a different light--wow--it kind of slapped me in the face tonight while I was doing my homework.  See If I see myself as Significant (which I am- I am a Child of God, I am His chosen one) and see my role in life (A stay at home mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a servant) then my life has not been interrupted but intervened!  God is giving me this time, these children, these friends, these moments, this church, this life. He has designed it, planned it and made it right--the more I see it as an interruption... the more I tell God that I think His ways are junk. 

I hate saying that I see my children as an iterruption.  I really don't, but it has been as compared to the life I was living. So making that shift was an adjustment... but if I see it as God's intervention how can I stop from seeing it as a life being blessed.  Now I still have things to work on mentally, and emotionally, and I still have children who I think God has given great skills to to test their mother... but making this shift in my mind-WOW!  It is going to help me to be a better mom, wife and all the other hats I wear will fit better as well. 

It's a Divine Intervention...
It's a Divine Intervention...
It's a Divine Intervention...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

getting there

Wow, what a few weeks!  We went to St. Louis from September1-8.  We  had an amazing time and loved being with family and friends.  This was our kids first time to go see where Grandma and Grandpa live and they LOVED IT!  Our kids were so happy the whole time.  We did so much!  Aliyah went and helped Grandma Karen at Preschool on Thursday and then we went up in the Arch.  We got to just hang out and have a low key evening.  Friday we went and visited gma Karen at work and then my dad got in town!  Mike and the kids and I went to the St. Louis Science Center!  We had a blast!  We even got to dress up in lab coats and solve a mystery and discovery things about our finger prints.  Saturday our kids got to play with Matthew and Morgan.  They loved getting to hang out with their friends.  We packed up in the van and headed to Gorham, IL for my cousin Christy's wedding.  It was beautiful and it was great to get to be back at the farm.  When we got home Brandon and Carole and baby Micah were home.  We got to visit with them, hold Micah and get ourselves ready for a crazy day.  Sunday we had pictures taken with a professional so we could get the whole family in a picture.  Then mom and dad threw us a HUGE wedding reception.  We had about 220 people there!  It was great to see so many people and feel the love that people have for us!  Thank you mom and dad for a wonderful day!  Monday we had a swim party with family and friends.  We also celebrated Aliyah's 10th birthday a few days early with the Clan.  It was exciting for her to get to spend her "birthday" with her new family and friends.   Tuesday the whole gang went to the Zoo.  It was amazing.  No one was there and we could just take our time going around the place. We got to pet sting rays and have a great video of Aliyah getting splashed.   It rained on us a couple of times but all in all it was a beautiful day!  Mike and I made dinner for everyone that night and we just got to relax.  We went home on Wednesday evening. 

We got to our house at about 10PM and then had to head back to the airport on Thursday morning.  My dear friend Katie Warner came into town.  We spent the whole day... welll... cleaning our house.  Katie was amazing, she really helped me feel back together again!  We hung out with our friend Chris that night and had dinner together and planned for our camping trip the next day.  On Friday evening Katie, Chris, Mike and I oh and Brutus, heading to Union Valley for an amazing weekend away from everything.  It was so needed.  It was relaxing and gorgeous!  The weather was amazing and we just didn't want to come home actually. 

Monday morning Katie and I took the kids to school, made ourselves some latte's and headed to get the most wonderful pedicure I think I have ever had.  We got our feet and legs worked on for over an hour!!!  Oh and they did massage our legs with hot stones. WOW!  Katie had never been to Ikea so we headed there and then to the airport. 

Now, our big things have really slowed down.  I feel like we can get better about being in routines about things and really getting things organized.  So we are getting there.  I am proud of myself because I have kept up with the kitchen for 2 days!  yea!  There are a couple of areas I am going to try to tackle today organizationally and hopefully it will all just keep happening and we will all feel quite settled.  I'll keep you posted... but like I said we are ... getting there.  :) 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

outsider at church

I have been trying to process how I have been feeling about being in a new place around new people and a new church. I wouldn't trade any of it for anything, but I would trade how I have been feeling at church. You know I was raised in a church where everyone knew me and I knew everyone. My church helped raise me, my church loves me, supports me, encourages me and is still "home" for me. Then in college... wherever you went to church you were a "concordia student" so it was what it was and it was fine, never really felt all that strange and never really had a "home church" there. Then I went to work for a church full time. Whether or not people want to, they have to get to know you. I was in charge of things, responsible for people and children and youth. I was responsible for heading up areas of the church, finding volunteers and getting to know people and families. I knew people and people knew me.

Now I am in a new world. I am in a world that I stay at home as a mom and wife. I help keep the house together (oh how it still needs work). I wash clothes, cook meals, break up fights, play, do homework, wash dogs, keep schedules together etc. etc. Again I wouldn't trade it for anything. I have been lonely. I miss my friends, I miss my family but I realize that I am going through an adjustment and transition in my life right now. I guess I just expected to go to church and people to talk to me and reach out to me and want to get to know me. I thought people would at least say hi to me at church. Here I am, an outsider for the first time in my life and let me tell you what. IT HURTS.

Yesterday was an emotional day already. I had a doctors appointment and I just don't even know what to think about it. I can't decide if I like the doctor or not and I can't decide if I like what he had to say or not. I was expecting to go and get answers, I was praying for peace. I was praying for a doctor who sat and talked to me and understood me--I left confused, restless and full of emotion. I came home and just lost it. Thank God for my husband who works from home on Wednesdays--his arms around me, his tears, his words remind me that no matter what we are fine.

Ok so I have been crying all day, I am tired and emotional but it was the first night of church groups. I have been looking forward to going to the woman's bible study for about 6 months now. I have been doing the countdown. Mike introduced me to a lady a church a few weeks ago and she said I should find her and sit at her table for bible study. I got there early to make sure I got a spot at her table. I walked in and there is a room just full of tables. I don't know anyone. I start walking through the room looking for her table. One older lady asked if she could help me find a table. She did, then didn't talk to me again. I stood on one side of the room for at least 15 minutes if not longer. In that time no one talked to me. The director of the ministries passed me several times. There were ladies EVERYWHERE but no one talked to me. My mind told me to just go sit out in the truck until bible study was over and find Mike and the kids afterwards but I knew that was wrong. My heart just ached. I just want to be a part of this church. I just want to make friends, I just want to feel like I belong and I really want to stop going to church and feeling lonely. I hate feeling lonely. So about 15 minutes into standing there looking lost, almost crying another older lady comes and asks me if I am ok. "I noticed you have just been standing there for a long time" --I wanted to be like yeah I noticed it to why did it take you so long if you noticed that but I just told her thank you and that I thought I was suppose to be a part of a table but it had a sign on it "I'm sorry--this table is full" I felt so shut out, so hurt, so isolated. Finally when then lady whom I met came to that table I went to say hello but she started talking to someone else and so therefore I was shut out again. When that happened i looked at the table next to that one. A sweet woman named Rachael was the facilitator and said she had a spot or two left. I ended up sitting there. The ladies were nice, I don't know how it will turn out but I am sure God has a plan. I know this. I was hurt last night. My heart ached. It ached for not feeling accepted and loved in a church, it ached because I know I have been that person that walks back and forth and doesn't say hi or sees someone who needs help and doesn't help. It hurts because I really want this place to be our home and I really feel like a foreigner. We go to this church because we believe in what they stand for. Our senior pastor is amazing. The kids ministry is great. They are a growing church... they have a great men's ministry and they are bold from the pulpit. They teach the gospel, they preach discipleship, they teach worship... but the simple gesture of reaching out hasn't happened for me and oh how I feel like a great big outsider.

I pray this will change. I pray I will get connected and I know I will because I won't let this stop me, that's not who I am. I also pray that as I connect that I seek people who are in the spot I am in currently and reach out to them. I feel like I should facilitate an "I'm new here and no one is talking to me" table to help people find that connection.

I just really needed to get this all out. If you are still with me at this point. Wow and thanks! :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Brutus explains how he feels about mom

So Mike was trying to be cute and make Brutus answer questions. So in asking him how he feels about mom and if she is his favorite, he has a hard time answering and then you need to answer very very carefully.
you have to listen very carefully.... when he is asked the second time he farts. gooo brutus!

Back to School-- Happy 5th Graders

Nathan and Aliyah had their first day of 5th grade on August 17, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

This weekend.

Wow. This weekend was just full of excitement. On Friday night we got to have a much needed family night. The four of us headed up the hill to Auburn to go to "Fast Fridays" It is a Flat SpeedRacing track where I wasn't sure what was about to happen but I know my kid will never be doing it. I would freak out. We have videos on our phones... I hope I can figure out how to upload them. There were also three dudes there from the XGames who were doing crazy and stupid jumps on their bikes. They were 35 feet int he air for about 75 feet. They were doing jumps and swerves in the air and even backflips. STUPID PEOPLE!! :) It was fun to watch the little pee wee's race and then the juniors and the fast dudes were just that fast and nuts. We had a lot of fun, got hit by some dirt and enjoyed just hanging out.

Mikes brother was doing power for a big outdoor music and art festival in San Francisco this weekend as well. He got us two free passes for Saturday. It was an experience. Wow. It was so nice to have time with Mike. We haven't really had a date or been able to do anything fun with just the two of us since the wedding/honeymoon. We took the kids to grandma's and headed for Golden Gate Park. Besides the fact that it took us 4.5 hours to get there it was a nice drive ha ha. We got in back stage and hung out with David for a little bit and then just wandered around and people watched and explored and listened to a band. It was a lovely time watching old hippies, younger hippies, some normal people, oh and the smell of pot was just filling the air.. mmm mmm skunky!! :) No seriously we loved getting to spend time together. I ask Mike if Pot being around you could make you high he said no that I was probably just high on life and the fact that this is one of the first times I haven't had to worry about kids or deal with fighting or anything like that in a looong time. It felt good.

Sunday we hung out at Mikes mom's house. We just relaxed. The kids played and swam. We are now in the back to school swing of things.

The kids both start 5th grade tomorrow. Oh My. They are currently at two different schools. We are waiting it out a little bit to see how that goes and to see if an opening happens at 5th grade at Nathan's school. It's so hard to be a parent these days. Everyone has their opinions on whether you are making the right choice or not for your kid. I think sometimes people forget that your child is just that... your child. I was talking to a teacher today and though we respect her and like her she was telling me things that as I left I was like. She does realize those were my kids she was talking about. I didn't give birth to them, but I am their mom and I care deeply for them and want the best for them. She gets that right. Sometimes I fear that kids become like data or numbers in a big school system. It hurts my heart. I did like the teachers that the kids have, not to figure out what school they will both be going to. AHHH.

Friday, August 13, 2010

What has been happening?

Well here we are. We haven't posted in forever and we find ourselves wondering where summer went. It is hard to believe that the kids start school on Tuesday. We are trying to gear up for the school schedule of life. Right now we are trying to figure out where our kids will be going to school. Currently Nathan is enrolled at the school we want both of our kids to go to. It is known to be an excellent school and our kids are in need of a fresh start and a place that will embrace them for who they are! Aliyah is at the school they went to last year. We are fighting hard to get her into AC but there is no room at the inn at this time. Very Frustrating.

We can't wait to head to St. Louis in just a few weeks! We are so excited to see family and friends and WE CAN'T WAIT TO MEET OUR NEPHEW!!!! Micah Brian was born July 16th and it just makes us crazy that we haven't met him in person. Thank God for Skype!

My work with Thirty-One ( has been going great! I am doing well and have two consultants I am sponsoring already! Once they qualify I will already be a Senior Consultant! We are excited that I can bring in some extra money to help out with house projects, bills, a possible new car in the future and more.

I am learning a lot about being a mom and a wife and trying to do all I can to be the best I can. Our next door neighbor is also a stay at home mom and her and I have been getting a long well. We are different but I think there is beauty in that. They are a nice Christian family and our kids love hanging out with their kids. They have had a movie night next door almost every night this week.

I find myself hard to believe that life last year was nothing like this and that we have the life we have right now. Mike's work has gone from INSANITY to a "normal" work week for him which is an incredible blessing.

We have done a lot of work around here. We painting an alcove in the dining room, all three bathrooms and Aliyahs room. We also got new lights for our bathroom so that is super exciting. The rest of the painting will just have to wait for a while. it is a ton of work and a ton of money. Baby steps. I want to put a video up of the house and what we have done but that requires the house to be a little more on the "clean" side. The kids and I have been running around like crazy this week. We went to sunsplash twice and have been here and there and everywhere the other days. I am hoping to get some major motivation to clean in a few minutes here then I will video for you.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Carr's are Here!

Well I (melissa) decided that I should give up my blog and start a family blog. So here we are. The Carr's. Mike and I got married on May 29th, 2010. We had such an amazing day with family and friends and the most gorgeous of settings! We are so blessed. There are so many incredible pictures, memories and so much more!

Mike and I went on a 7 night eastern Caribbean Cruise then stayed another week in Florida so Mike could do some field work for a job. The kids stayed with Grandma and now we have all been back for almost a month and we are all adjusting to life together as a family. Everyone is doing well. Brutus is happy we are all home together as well.

Melissa is enjoying being a stay at home mom. The kids are liking being able to be at home as well. We all have Sun Splash Water Park season passes and so that helps on those days that we start to get bored, stir crazy or at each others throats. Poor Mike has been playing catch up from the two or so weeks he had off for the wedding. He is hoping to get back to sane in the next week.

Mike and Melissa will be heading to New Orleans for the National Youth Gathering in Mid July. The other exciting news is that Melissa has started a business. It is called Thirty-One Gifts. It is a direct sales company that sells totes, stationary, purses and so many other items that can be personalized for you or a friend. If you are interested, please check our my website at for more information, to order or to book a party.